
Hi! This is my website dedicated to both my personal and vtuber life! Please pardon the mess! I am learning how to code for Neocities as I am building this site.

This site is written for desktop resolutions and may not render properly on mobile displays. if you'd like to learn more about me, click my about button!


8/30/24 - Another month has passed by. I'm happy with the progress I've made on this site and I'm back with streaming again! Lot of good changes in my life. I want to put the finishing final touches on this site and then work on new projects. Not much has changed in my life otherwise, just grinding away at projects. There's the slightest feeling of dread and anxiety in the back of my mind though. It's like a small tug saying "Hey Ria! Do something! Be something!" I'll try my best little nagging voice!

8/26/24 - I'm doing great lately, I've been in a productive flow unlike any I've felt before. Who would have thought that medication helps and wasn't the case of me having the "Mondays"? Although I havent been in contact with friends lately, gotta check in on them. Otherwise back in the art and coding grindset baby! I am done styling the website for now. Need to fix all of the disfunctional links and overall start working on the sidebar.

8/22/24 - This blog is showing signs of being functional. Got a lot of basic structure thanks to my community's help. Now to actually start thinking about how to style it?

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